un petit sujet dedie a astra 2E,son lancement,sa mise en service et sa reception (pour ce dernier point c'est pas gagne )
voici les derniers news en provenance de russie
le lancement est une nouvelle fois reporte,un probleme ayant ete detecte sur le lanceur
report sine die du lancement....
voir ici:
je resume l'article ci dessus : probleme technique detecte,lanceur passe en position 'stockage',l'etage superieur devrait etre separe pour 'reparer'
autres articles:
ou encore :
"Technical problems delays Proton's return to flight
On Sept. 12, ILS announced that the launch of the first launch of the Proton rocket (then scheduled for September 17) after July's accident had been "postponed today for technical reasons associated with the launch vehicle" with a new launch date to be determined a later time.
According to the company, on September 11, Khrunichev engineers at the launch site received an out of tolerance reading in the first stage of the vehicle. It was determined that further investigation is necessary, requiring the launch vehicle be returned to the processing hall for additional testing. The vehicle and satellite remain in a safe configuration at the launch site."
le processing hall ressemble a ca :
proton qui en sort:
apercu du site:
en haut a droite l'interieur du 'processing hall' ou est retourne la fusee et astra 2E
enfin des documents tres interessants avec des plans encore plus interessants:
concernant astra 2 e et son lanceur il se trouve dans un batiment du type du hall 11 (voir schema dans doc pdf ci dessus page "6-19")
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